since 1985

Customer Information

7 mandatory items

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Identification Number (e.g., Social Insurance Number)
  • Customer History, including previous cases and past communications.

Details of Insurance Policies

7 mandatory items

  • Insurance Company Name
  • Policy Type (e.g., auto insurance, home insurance, life insurance)
  • Policy Number
  • Start and End Date of Coverage
  • Premium Amount
  • Deductible and Coverage Limits
  • Beneficiary Information

Claims History

7 mandatory items

  • Claim Date
  • Description of the Insured Incident
  • Damages Suffered
  • Claim Amount
  • Claim Status (ongoing, settled, pending, denied)
  • Claim Outcome (amount paid, rejected, pending)
  • Communications with Insurance Companies and tracking of responses.

Correspondence and Documents

6 types of document

  • Copies of insurance contracts
  • Secure storage of legal documents
  • Letters and emails exchanged with insurance companies
  • Expert reports
  • Photographic or video evidence of damages
  • Ability to link documents to corresponding cases and claims.

Information on Involved Third Parties

7 mandatory items

  • Name and contact information of third parties involved in the incident
  • Details of their insurance (if available)

Notes and Comments

7 mandatory items

  • Follow-up notes on ongoing cases
  • Comments on communications with clients and insurance companies
  • Summaries of meetings and phone calls

Deadline Calendar

7 mandatory items

  • Deadline dates for filing claims, documents
  • Dates of court or mediator appearances
  • Automatic reminders for important dates

Legal Documents

7 mandatory items

  • Copies of complaints filed in court
  • Judicial decisions and mediations
  • Court docket number: 40348.

Security and Confidentiality

7 mandatory items

  • Security measures to protect sensitive client information in accordance with data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)

Search and Reporting Features

7 mandatory items

  • Ability to quickly search for information based on various criteria (client name, policy number, claim type, etc.)
  • Generation of reports on current claims, previous claims, trends in insurance claims, and firm performance.

Accessibility and User-Friendliness

7 mandatory items

  • User-friendly and intuitive interface for easy use by lawyers and firm staff
  • Accessibility from different devices (desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.)